Saturday, March 24, 2012

Been a Long Time

Well it certainly has been a long time since I posted anything on my blog. A lot has happened since last June not just in library land, but throughout the world. I'm not quite sure why it's taken me so long to write another post, but I'm back for now...

One of my former posts that garnered some attention was on Library Journal's Movers and Shakers winners. This year they have really outdone themselves with the winners. Two librarians from my state were selected for creating a zine collection and helping people with music recommendations. Now while I will say that this is unusual - possibly even cutting edge - I don't see the importance for public librarians to spend their time with pop culture when the economy is in such terrible shape. Our most common questions are for help with resumes, finding a job, learning computer and technology skills, and research help. Not what band sounds like U2 and Nirvana mixed together possibly infused with a bit of reggae. Or, do you have any zines on zombies or Sonic Youth? While it could be argued that the patrons will be moving and shaking to the music, the whole point of LJ's Mover and Shakers is to spotlight library professionals on the cutting edge. To top it off they have another winner who wrote a Dewey Decimal rap. Yes, you read that correctly. One day when libraries are still popular after all of the years of their predicted death it will turn out that the things that kept them alive were rapping librarians, zines, and music advisory. Better luck next year LJ.

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