Monday, October 25, 2010

EZ Update

Last Wednesday on page 4 of the Delray Forum there was an article dedicated to our upcoming EZ event in November. On November 3rd from 10-12 the EZ will be presenting a resume workshop in the library's large meeting room. I have had announcements strategically placed all over the library for the last month or so, and have been giving out handouts to patrons who are interested. I also went to several community centers in Delray Beach, and the Chamber of Commerce to give them handouts on the program. Plus, the following week the Workforce Alliance will be visiting to help people look for jobs, etc. They have a mobile unit that will be parked in our lot on November 8th from 2-5pm. So far only 4 people have signed up for this, which doesn't surprise me, since the EZ basically offers the same services minus the bus. I visited the Lake Worth public library a few weeks ago when they had a smaller mobile unit there and the driver/IT guy told me they had 11 participants for the afternoon.

The EZ has slowed down a bit since August, and we are unsure if this is due to people giving up, moving away, being able to afford laptops, finding work, etc. Monday has now become the busier day, when before Thursday was always busier. We plan on moving the Thursday time to the afternoon in 2011, and hope that that will bring in larger numbers of patrons. We seem to get a lot of people that arrive around 11am, which reinforces my theory that those looking for jobs are late risers. Staff continues to hand out flyers and mentions the EZ whenever patrons complain about the time management software, or lack of time on the public PCs. The EZ has been mentioned in the Sun Sentinel, Palm Beach Post, and Delray Forum multiple times now, along with being mentioned on the library's facebook page. This level of advertising along with word of mouth should have us at capacity, but as I mentioned we have slowed down. If the two November events fail to bump our numbers up, a strategy session will need to be planned.

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