Monday, May 17, 2010

Summer Weeding

Now that the Empowerment Zone is up and running I have started one of my summer projects. I am weeding the 780s-799s. This encompasses music, movies, Broadway, sports, etc. And from what I can ascertain this section has not been maintained in quite some time. I have located some dusty and dirty books in this section that haven't checked out in over a decade.

Last year I managed to make it all the way through the 300s (Social Sciences), and this took me almost 6 months due to the size of the section and all of the distractions that occurred while I was working. After I finish the 780s-799s I am going to weed the 920s (History) and up. This will probably take me through the latter half of the summer. And then I will begin weeding the reference portion of my Dewey sections which really needs to be done.

When I worked in Collier County I managed to weed the History section of the Naples Regional Library, and I felt a huge sense of accomplishment when that project was completed. Once I am done with these two sections I will have finished all of my Dewey areas for my library. And then next year I can start all over again, but it will be a lot easier knowing that I have already made my way through once.

On a completely unrelated note I will be running for one of the board positions for the Palm Beach County Library Association ( Ethan Allen, the current President, asked me if I was interested in running and after thinking it over for a couple of days I figured why not? I am running for one of the Public Library Director positions, of which there are two. There are three of us competing for these two spots. The other two people I am going up against are library directors, so I have my work cut out for me. Apparently you don't need to be a library director to run for this post, just a member who works in a public library who is in good standing. I figure win or lose, it will be a good experience for me. If you are a member of the PBCLA, and feel so inclined, I would appreciate your vote. My blurb on why you should vote for me should be up on the PBCLA web site ( by the end of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Last week I finally finished through 799. I am taking a break and then I will be moving on to my reference areas. Since working here I have now weeded all of the 300s and 780-799.
